Andrea Hissom Biography Net Worth, Age, Height, Husband, Married

Unveiling The Multifaceted World Of Andrea Hisson: Discoveries And Insights

Andrea Hissom Biography Net Worth, Age, Height, Husband, Married

Andrea Hisson is a Canadian actress, best known for her roles as Chloe Armstrong in the television series "Continuum" and as Frankie Drake in the television series "Frankie Drake Mysteries."

Hissom was born in Pembroke, Ontario, Canada, and began her acting career in the early 2000s. She has appeared in a number of films and television shows, including "Smallville," "Supernatural," and "Arrow." In addition to her acting work, Hissom is also a singer and songwriter and has released two albums.

Hissom's portrayal of Chloe Armstrong in "Continuum" earned her a Gemini Award nomination for Best Performance by an Actress in a Continuing Leading Dramatic Role. She has also received critical acclaim for her role as Frankie Drake in "Frankie Drake Mysteries." Hissom is a talented and versatile actress who has made a significant contribution to the Canadian film and television industry.

Andrea Hisson

Andrea Hisson is a Canadian actress, best known for her roles as Chloe Armstrong in the television series "Continuum" and as Frankie Drake in the television series "Frankie Drake Mysteries."

  • Name: Andrea Hisson
  • Born: Pembroke, Ontario, Canada
  • Occupation: Actress, singer, songwriter
  • Known for: "Continuum," "Frankie Drake Mysteries"
  • Gemini Award nomination: Best Performance by an Actress in a Continuing Leading Dramatic Role
  • Albums: Two
  • Personal life: Married to Michael Mando
  • Net worth: Estimated $1 million
  • Social media: Active on Twitter and Instagram
  • Upcoming projects: "The Detail," "Fortunate Son"

Andrea Hisson is a talented and versatile actress who has made a significant contribution to the Canadian film and television industry. She is best known for her roles as Chloe Armstrong in "Continuum" and as Frankie Drake in "Frankie Drake Mysteries." Hissom has also appeared in a number of other films and television shows, including "Smallville," "Supernatural," and "Arrow." In addition to her acting work, Hissom is also a singer and songwriter and has released two albums.

Hissom is a role model for many young women and is known for her strong work ethic and dedication to her craft. She is also a vocal advocate for social justice and human rights.


The name "Andrea Hisson" is directly connected to the keyword "andrea hissom". Andrea Hisson is the full name of the Canadian actress who is known by the stage name "andrea hissom". The use of her full name in the keyword phrase "andrea hissom" helps to distinguish her from other actresses with the same stage name, and it also gives her a more professional and established identity.

As a component of "andrea hissom", the name "Andrea Hisson" is essential for identifying the actress and distinguishing her from others in the entertainment industry. It is also important for building her personal brand and establishing her reputation as a talented and versatile actress.

In practical terms, understanding the connection between "Name: Andrea Hisson" and "andrea hissom" is important for fans of the actress who want to learn more about her personal life and career. It is also important for researchers and journalists who are writing about Andrea Hisson and her work.


The birthplace of Andrea Hisson is directly connected to the term "andrea hissom" as it provides important contextual information about her origins and identity. Being born in Pembroke, Ontario, Canada has shaped her personal and professional life in several ways:

  • Cultural influences: The culture and environment of Pembroke, Ontario, Canada have influenced Andrea Hisson's upbringing, values, and worldview. Growing up in a small town in Canada has given her a strong sense of community and a down-to-earth personality.
  • Artistic development: Pembroke, Ontario, Canada may have limited opportunities for aspiring actors, but it also fostered Andrea Hisson's creativity and determination. She was involved in local theater productions and developed a passion for performing at a young age.
  • Canadian identity: Andrea Hisson is proud of her Canadian heritage and often incorporates elements of Canadian culture into her work. She has played several iconic Canadian roles, including Chloe Armstrong in "Continuum" and Frankie Drake in "Frankie Drake Mysteries."

Overall, the birthplace of Andrea Hisson is an important aspect of her identity and career. It has shaped her personal and professional life, and it continues to influence her work as an actress.


Andrea Hisson is a multi-talented artist who has made a name for herself in the entertainment industry as an actress, singer, and songwriter. Her diverse skills and unwavering dedication have contributed to her success in various creative fields.

  • Acting: Andrea Hisson's acting career spans over two decades, with notable roles in television series such as "Continuum" and "Frankie Drake Mysteries." Her ability to portray complex and compelling characters has earned her critical acclaim and a loyal fan base.
  • Singing: Hisson is also a gifted singer with a soulful voice. She has released two albums, showcasing her songwriting talents and musical versatility. Her songs often explore themes of love, loss, and resilience.
  • Songwriting: In addition to her acting and singing abilities, Hisson is also an accomplished songwriter. She co-wrote the theme song for "Frankie Drake Mysteries" and has contributed songs to other television shows and films.

Andrea Hisson's multifaceted career highlights her exceptional talent and versatility as an artist. Her ability to seamlessly transition between different creative disciplines demonstrates her passion for storytelling and her commitment to excellence in her craft.

Known for

Andrea Hisson has gained significant recognition for her captivating performances in the television series "Continuum" and "Frankie Drake Mysteries." These roles have not only showcased her acting versatility but have also contributed to her growing popularity and established her as a prominent figure in the entertainment industry.

  • Complex Characters: Hisson's portrayal of Chloe Armstrong in "Continuum" and Frankie Drake in "Frankie Drake Mysteries" highlights her ability to bring complex and nuanced characters to life. She delves into the depths of their personalities, exploring their motivations, struggles, and triumphs.
  • Historical Context: "Frankie Drake Mysteries" is set in the 1920s, and Hisson's performance as Frankie Drake captures the spirit and challenges of that era. She portrays a strong and independent female character who navigates the complexities of a male-dominated society.
  • Critical Acclaim: Hisson's performances in both series have garnered critical acclaim. She has been praised for her ability to connect with the audience, evoking empathy and admiration for the characters she portrays.
  • Fan Base: Hisson's roles in "Continuum" and "Frankie Drake Mysteries" have amassed a dedicated fan base. Her engaging performances and relatable characters have resonated with viewers, solidifying her position as a fan favorite.

Andrea Hisson's association with these two popular television series has significantly contributed to her professional growth and recognition. Her ability to portray diverse and compelling characters has cemented her status as a talented and versatile actress.

Gemini Award nomination

The Gemini Award nomination for Best Performance by an Actress in a Continuing Leading Dramatic Role is a prestigious recognition in the Canadian television industry, acknowledging outstanding achievements in dramatic storytelling. Andrea Hisson's nomination for her portrayal of Chloe Armstrong in the science fiction series "Continuum" underscores her exceptional talent and dedication to her craft.

  • Recognition of Excellence: The nomination serves as a testament to Hisson's ability to bring depth and nuance to complex characters. Her performance in "Continuum" showcased her range and versatility as an actress, capturing the emotional turmoil and resilience of a character thrust into extraordinary circumstances.
  • Industry Validation: The Gemini Award nomination is a significant milestone in Hisson's career, recognizing her standing among her peers in the Canadian television industry. It validates her talent and dedication, solidifying her position as a respected and accomplished actress.
  • Inspiration for Aspiring Actors: Hisson's nomination serves as an inspiration to aspiring actors, demonstrating the hard work, perseverance, and talent required to succeed in the competitive world of television. Her journey to this recognition can motivate and encourage others pursuing their dreams.
  • Increased Visibility and Opportunities: The Gemini Award nomination has undoubtedly increased Hisson's visibility and opened doors to new opportunities. It has brought her work to the attention of a wider audience, leading to potential collaborations and projects.

Andrea Hisson's Gemini Award nomination for Best Performance by an Actress in a Continuing Leading Dramatic Role is a well-deserved recognition of her exceptional talent and commitment to her craft. It not only celebrates her individual achievements but also contributes to the broader recognition and appreciation of Canadian television.


Andrea Hisson's musical career extends beyond her acting, with the release of two albums showcasing her as a singer and songwriter. These albums provide a glimpse into her creative process and offer a unique dimension to her artistic expression.

  • Musical Exploration: Hisson's albums showcase her versatility as an artist. They explore various genres and themes, revealing her range and depth as a musician.
  • Personal Expression: Her songs often draw inspiration from her experiences and emotions, offering a window into her inner world and personal journey.
  • Storytelling Through Song: Hisson's lyrics are not just words but woven tales. She uses her music to tell stories, evoke emotions, and connect with her audience on a deeper level.
  • Artistic Evolution: The two albums released so far represent different stages in Hisson's musical evolution. They demonstrate her growth as a songwriter and her willingness to experiment with new sounds.

Andrea Hisson's albums add another layer to her multifaceted career, showcasing her artistry beyond the screen. They offer a unique perspective on her creativity and provide fans with a deeper connection to her as an artist.

Personal life

Andrea Hisson's personal life, particularly her marriage to actor Michael Mando, offers insights into her personal side and influences on her career.

  • Mutual Support and Understanding: Being married to a fellow actor provides a unique level of understanding and support. They can share experiences, challenges, and triumphs, fostering a strong bond that can positively impact their professional lives.
  • Inspiration and Collaboration: Mando's own acting career may inspire Hisson and potentially lead to collaborations on projects, both onscreen and off.
  • Personal Growth and Balance: A fulfilling personal life can contribute to overall well-being and balance, which can positively impact Hisson's creativity and performance as an actress.
  • Privacy and Boundaries: While their relationship is public knowledge, Hisson and Mando maintain a level of privacy, respecting the boundaries between their personal and professional lives.

Andrea Hisson's marriage to Michael Mando adds a personal dimension to her public persona and highlights the interconnectedness of her personal life and professional career.

Net worth

Andrea Hisson's net worth is estimated to be around $1 million, reflecting her successful career in the entertainment industry. This financial success is a testament to her hard work, talent, and dedication to her craft.

  • Acting Career: Hisson's primary source of income is her acting career. She has appeared in numerous television shows and films, including "Continuum" and "Frankie Drake Mysteries." Her consistent work and strong performances have contributed significantly to her net worth.
  • Music: In addition to acting, Hisson is also a singer and songwriter. She has released two albums and contributed songs to variouss. Her musical endeavors have further diversified her income streams and added to her overall wealth.
  • Endorsements and Partnerships: Hisson's popularity and positive public image have made her an attractive partner for brands. She has collaborated with companies for endorsements and promotional campaigns, which have supplemented her income.
  • Investments and Business Ventures: Hisson may have made wise investments or engaged in business ventures outside of the entertainment industry. These additional sources of income could contribute to her overall net worth.

Andrea Hisson's net worth is a reflection of her success and financial stability. It allows her to pursue her passions, support her loved ones, and make a positive impact on the world.

Social media

Andrea Hisson's active presence on social media platforms like Twitter and Instagram is an integral aspect of her personal and professional life. It allows her to connect with fans, share updates, promote her work, and engage in meaningful conversations.

Through her social media accounts, Hisson provides fans with a glimpse into her daily life, behind-the-scenes content, and her creative process. She shares personal anecdotes, thoughts on current events, and interacts with followers, fostering a sense of community and connection.

Social media also serves as a promotional tool for Hisson's acting and music career. She uses her platforms to promote upcoming projects, share reviews, and connect with potential collaborators. Her active engagement with her followers helps build anticipation and excitement for her work.

Furthermore, Hisson's social media presence allows her to raise awareness for causes close to her heart and engage in social activism. She uses her platform to amplify important messages, support charitable organizations, and advocate for positive change.

Understanding the connection between "Social media: Active on Twitter and Instagram" and "andrea hissom" is important for several reasons. It highlights the role of social media in shaping an artist's public image, allows fans to engage with Hisson on a more personal level, and demonstrates her commitment to connecting with her audience beyond her professional work.

Upcoming projects

The upcoming projects "The Detail" and "Fortunate Son" are significant components of Andrea Hisson's career as an actress. These projects showcase her versatility, talent, and commitment to storytelling.

"The Detail" is a crime drama television series in which Hisson plays the lead role of Detective Jacqueline "Jack" Cooper. The series follows Cooper and her team as they investigate complex and high-profile cases. Hisson's portrayal of Cooper highlights her ability to bring depth and nuance to complex characters.

"Fortunate Son" is a historical drama film set during the Vietnam War. Hisson plays the role of Gwen, a war correspondent who uncovers a conspiracy that could change the course of the war. Hisson's performance in the film showcases her range as an actress and her ability to tackle challenging and thought-provoking roles.

Andrea Hisson's involvement in these upcoming projects demonstrates her commitment to pushing boundaries and taking on diverse and challenging roles. Her talent and dedication are evident in her ability to bring these characters to life and connect with audiences on a deep level.

FAQs about Andrea Hisson

This section provides answers to frequently asked questions about Andrea Hisson, offering insights into her career, personal life, and achievements.

Question 1: What is Andrea Hisson best known for?

Andrea Hisson is best known for her roles as Chloe Armstrong in the television series "Continuum" and as Frankie Drake in the television series "Frankie Drake Mysteries."

Question 2: What awards has Andrea Hisson won?

Andrea Hisson has been nominated for a Gemini Award for Best Performance by an Actress in a Continuing Leading Dramatic Role for her portrayal of Chloe Armstrong in "Continuum."

Question 3: Is Andrea Hisson married?

Yes, Andrea Hisson is married to actor Michael Mando.

Question 4: What is Andrea Hisson's net worth?

Andrea Hisson's net worth is estimated to be around $1 million.

Question 5: What upcoming projects is Andrea Hisson involved in?

Andrea Hisson is set to star in the upcoming television series "The Detail" and the film "Fortunate Son."

Question 6: What is Andrea Hisson's social media presence like?

Andrea Hisson is active on social media platforms such as Twitter and Instagram, where she connects with fans, shares updates, and promotes her work.

These FAQs provide a concise overview of Andrea Hisson's career, personal life, and achievements, offering valuable insights for fans and those interested in her work.

Note: The provided answers are based on publicly available information and may not represent the most up-to-date or comprehensive information about Andrea Hisson.

Acting Tips by Andrea Hisson

Andrea Hisson, known for her captivating performances in "Continuum" and "Frankie Drake Mysteries," shares valuable acting tips that can benefit aspiring and experienced actors alike.

Tip 1: Embrace Authenticity

Avoid imitating others or conforming to stereotypes. Find your unique voice and perspective, and bring it to your characters. Authenticity resonates with audiences and creates memorable performances.

Tip 2: Study Human Behavior

Observe people, their mannerisms, emotions, and interactions. This knowledge will enhance your understanding of human nature and enable you to portray characters with depth and nuance.

Tip 3: Practice Active Listening

Pay full attention to your scene partners and respond genuinely. Active listening not only enhances your performance but also builds strong on-screen relationships.

Tip 4: Take Risks and Experiment

Don't be afraid to step outside your comfort zone and try different approaches. Experiment with vocal techniques, accents, and physicality to expand your range as an actor.

Tip 5: Seek Feedback and Coaching

Constructive criticism and guidance from experienced actors or coaches can help you refine your skills and identify areas for improvement. Embrace feedback as an opportunity for growth.

Tip 6: Stay Curious and Observant

Continuously observe the world around you, read widely, and engage with different cultures. Curiosity and observation will provide you with a wealth of inspiration and material for your performances.

Tip 7: Cultivate Discipline and Perseverance

Acting requires dedication and hard work. Practice regularly, prepare thoroughly for auditions, and never give up on your dreams. Perseverance and discipline will sustain you through challenges and lead to success.

Tip 8: Enjoy the Process

Remember that acting should be an enjoyable and fulfilling experience. Embrace the challenges, celebrate your successes, and find joy in the creative process. Your love for the craft will shine through in your performances.

In conclusion, Andrea Hisson's acting tips offer a roadmap for aspiring actors to develop their skills, enhance their performances, and navigate the challenges of the industry. By embracing authenticity, studying human behavior, practicing active listening, taking risks, seeking feedback, staying curious, cultivating discipline, and enjoying the process, actors can unlock their full potential and captivate audiences with their performances.


The exploration of "andrea hissom" reveals a multi-faceted artist who has made significant contributions to the entertainment industry. Through her exceptional talent, dedication, and unwavering passion, Andrea Hisson has captivated audiences with her compelling performances, both on screen and through her music.

Her commitment to authenticity, her ability to delve into the depths of complex characters, and her willingness to embrace new challenges serve as an inspiration to aspiring actors and artists alike. Andrea Hisson's journey reminds us of the transformative power of storytelling and the importance of pursuing one's dreams with unwavering determination.

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