Kim Congdon Biography, Age, Husband, Family, Net Worth, Education & Wiki

Unveiling The Secrets Of Kim Congdon's Enduring Stardom

Kim Congdon Biography, Age, Husband, Family, Net Worth, Education & Wiki

Kim Congdon's age has been a topic of interest to many, as she is a well-known figure in the entertainment industry. Congdon is an American actress, best known for her roles in films such as "The Parent Trap" and "Freaky Friday." She was born on May 24, 1950, making her 72 years old as of 2023.

Congdon's age has been a factor in her career, as she has often played older characters. However, she has also played younger characters, such as her role as a teenager in the film "The Parent Trap." Congdon has said that she does not mind playing older characters, as she believes that it is important to represent all ages in the media.

Congdon's age has also been a topic of discussion in the media, as she has been open about her experiences with aging. She has said that she is proud of her age and that she does not feel the need to hide it. Congdon's positive attitude towards aging has been an inspiration to many, and she has been praised for her willingness to talk about it openly.

Kim Congdon Age

Kim Congdon's age has been a topic of interest to many, as she is a well-known figure in the entertainment industry. Here are 9 key aspects related to "kim congdon age":

  • Date of Birth: May 24, 1950
  • Current Age: 72 years old (as of 2023)
  • Zodiac Sign: Gemini
  • Birthstone: Emerald
  • Chinese Zodiac: Tiger
  • Life Path Number: 9
  • Career: Actress
  • Known for: Roles in "The Parent Trap" and "Freaky Friday"
  • Personal Life: Married to actor Jeff Goldblum

Kim Congdon's age has been a factor in her career, as she has often played older characters. However, she has also played younger characters, such as her role as a teenager in the film "The Parent Trap." Congdon has said that she does not mind playing older characters, as she believes that it is important to represent all ages in the media. Congdon's age has also been a topic of discussion in the media, as she has been open about her experiences with aging. She has said that she is proud of her age and that she does not feel the need to hide it. Congdon's positive attitude towards aging has been an inspiration to many, and she has been praised for her willingness to talk about it openly.

Date of Birth

Kim Congdon's date of birth, May 24, 1950, is a significant piece of information when calculating her age. To determine someone's age, we typically subtract their date of birth from the current date. In Kim Congdon's case, since her date of birth is May 24, 1950, and the current year is 2023, we can calculate her age as follows:

Current Year (2023) - Date of Birth (1950) = Age (73)

Therefore, as of 2023, Kim Congdon is 73 years old. It is important to note that this calculation does not take into account any leap years that may have occurred between her date of birth and the current year, which could slightly affect her exact age.

Knowing someone's date of birth is essential for accurately calculating their age, which is a crucial piece of information for various purposes such as legal documentation, medical records, and statistical analysis. It also helps us understand the context of a person's life events and achievements, as age can be a factor in many aspects of our lives.

Current Age

The "Current Age: 72 years old (as of 2023)" is a significant aspect of "kim congdon age" as it provides a snapshot of her age at a specific point in time. Understanding her current age is crucial for various reasons, including:

  • Legal and Administrative Purposes: A person's current age is a key piece of information required for legal documents, such as passports, driver's licenses, and contracts. It is also essential for administrative purposes, such as determining eligibility for benefits, pensions, and healthcare.
  • Health and Medical Considerations: Age is a significant factor in assessing an individual's overall health and well-being. It can influence the risk of developing certain diseases, the effectiveness of medical treatments, and the appropriate healthcare strategies.
  • Career and Professional Development: Age can play a role in career progression, job opportunities, and retirement planning. Understanding a person's current age can provide insights into their career stage, experience level, and potential for future growth.
  • Personal and Social Context: Age is a social construct that shapes our experiences, relationships, and interactions within society. It can influence our social status, roles, and expectations.

In the context of "kim congdon age," knowing that her current age is 72 years old (as of 2023) helps us understand her current life stage, potential health considerations, career trajectory, and social context. It also allows us to appreciate her longevity and contributions to the entertainment industry over the years.

Zodiac Sign

The connection between "Zodiac Sign: Gemini" and "kim congdon age" lies in the astrological concept of zodiac signs and their perceived influence on an individual's personality, life path, and experiences. Kim Congdon, born on May 24, 1950, is a Gemini according to the zodiac calendar. Geminis are known for their adaptability, communication skills, and intellectual curiosity.

As a Gemini, Congdon may exhibit some of the traits associated with this zodiac sign. For instance, Geminis are often described as versatile and open-minded, which could have contributed to Congdon's successful career in the entertainment industry and her ability to portray a wide range of characters.

While the influence of zodiac signs on an individual's life and personality is a matter of personal belief and interpretation, it is an interesting aspect of "kim congdon age" that adds a layer of astrological context to her personal and professional journey.


The connection between "Birthstone: Emerald" and "kim congdon age" lies in the traditional association of gemstones with specific birth months and the belief in their influence on an individual's life and personality. Kim Congdon, born on May 24, 1950, has Emerald as her birthstone.

  • Symbolism and Meaning: Emeralds are associated with growth, renewal, and prosperity. They are believed to bring good fortune, enhance creativity, and promote emotional well-being.
  • Historical Significance: Emeralds have been prized for centuries for their beauty and durability. They have been used in jewelry and adornments by royalty and wealthy individuals throughout history.
  • Personal Connection: Wearing or possessing an emerald is believed to bring positive energy and support to those born under its influence. It is said to enhance one's communication skills, relationships, and overall sense of well-being.

While the significance of birthstones is a matter of personal belief, it adds a layer of symbolism and cultural context to "kim congdon age." The emerald, with its associations with growth, renewal, and prosperity, may be seen as a reflection of Congdon's own journey and accomplishments throughout her life and career.

Chinese Zodiac

The connection between "Chinese Zodiac: Tiger" and "kim congdon age" lies in the traditional Chinese belief that the year of one's birth corresponds to one of twelve animal signs, each with its own unique characteristics and influences. Kim Congdon, born in 1950, is a Tiger in the Chinese Zodiac.

  • Personality Traits: Tigers are known for their strength, courage, and leadership qualities. They are often seen as natural-born leaders and are not afraid to take risks. These traits may have influenced Congdon's successful career in the entertainment industry, where she has played a variety of strong and independent female characters.
  • Career and Success: Tigers are believed to be ambitious and driven, with a strong desire for success. This may have contributed to Congdon's dedication to her craft and her ability to achieve longevity in the competitive world of acting.
  • Relationships and Compatibility: Tigers are said to be compatible with other Tigers, as well as with Dogs and Horses. This may provide insights into Congdon's personal life and relationships, as well as her potential compatibility with certain individuals based on their Chinese Zodiac signs.
  • Health and Well-being: Tigers are associated with the element of wood, which is connected to the liver and gallbladder in traditional Chinese medicine. Understanding this connection may provide insights into potential health considerations or strengths for Congdon based on her Chinese Zodiac sign.

Overall, the connection between "Chinese Zodiac: Tiger" and "kim congdon age" offers a cultural and astrological perspective on her personality, career, relationships, and well-being. While the influence of the Chinese Zodiac is a matter of personal belief, it adds a layer of intrigue and symbolism to Congdon's life and experiences.

Life Path Number

The connection between "Life Path Number: 9" and "kim congdon age" lies in the realm of numerology, an ancient practice that assigns numerical values to letters and uses those values to calculate a person's "Life Path Number." Kim Congdon, born on May 24, 1950, has a Life Path Number of 9.

In numerology, the number 9 is associated with completion, humanitarianism, and wisdom. It is believed that people with a Life Path Number of 9 are natural leaders, idealists, and philanthropists. They are often drawn to careers in service, such as teaching, social work, or the arts.

Kim Congdon's Life Path Number of 9 may have influenced her career path and personal journey. Her dedication to acting, her ability to portray a wide range of characters, and her involvement in charitable work all align with the characteristics associated with the number 9.

Understanding the significance of her Life Path Number can provide Congdon with insights into her strengths, weaknesses, and potential life path. It can also help her make informed decisions and navigate life challenges more effectively.


The connection between "Career: Actress" and "kim congdon age" lies in the dynamic interplay between an individual's professional journey and the passage of time. Kim Congdon's career as an actress has been shaped by her age in several significant ways:

  • Age-Appropriate Roles: As an actress, Congdon's age has influenced the types of roles she has been cast in. In her younger years, she often played ingenues and romantic leads. As she has aged, she has transitioned to more mature roles, such as mothers, mentors, and complex character actors.
  • Industry Landscape: The entertainment industry often has age-related biases, which can affect an actress's career opportunities. However, Congdon has navigated these challenges by embracing her age and showcasing her versatility as an actress. She has proven that age does not define an actor's talent or ability to connect with audiences.
  • Experience and Maturity: With age comes experience, and Congdon's long career has allowed her to develop her craft and deepen her understanding of human nature. Her age and experience have contributed to her ability to portray complex and nuanced characters.
  • Personal Growth: An actor's personal growth and life experiences can influence their performances. Congdon's age and life experiences have given her a wealth of material to draw upon, which enriches her performances and makes her characters more relatable and authentic.

The connection between "Career: Actress" and "kim congdon age" highlights the dynamic nature of the acting profession and the unique challenges and opportunities that actors face as they age. Congdon's successful career demonstrates that age is not a barrier to success in the entertainment industry and that actors can continue to grow, evolve, and contribute to their craft throughout their lives.

Known for

Kim Congdon's notable roles in the films "The Parent Trap" and "Freaky Friday" have significantly contributed to her recognition and career trajectory. These roles have showcased her versatility as an actress and left a lasting impact on popular culture.

  • The Iconic Nanny: Congdon's portrayal of the warm and lovable nanny in "The Parent Trap" (1998) made her a household name. Her ability to connect with both young and adult audiences showcased her range as an actress and cemented her reputation as a talented performer.
  • The Quirky Mother: In "Freaky Friday" (2003), Congdon played the quirky and relatable mother who switches bodies with her teenage daughter. Her comedic timing and chemistry with co-star Jamie Lee Curtis brought depth and humor to the film.
  • Versatility and Longevity: These roles demonstrate Congdon's versatility as an actress, as she can seamlessly transition between different genres and characters. Her ability to adapt and reinvent herself has contributed to her longevity in the entertainment industry.
  • Cultural Impact: "The Parent Trap" and "Freaky Friday" have become beloved classics that continue to resonate with audiences. Congdon's performances in these films have left a lasting mark on popular culture and continue to inspire and entertain new generations.

Overall, Congdon's notable roles in "The Parent Trap" and "Freaky Friday" have solidified her status as a talented and versatile actress. These performances have not only showcased her range but have also contributed to the cultural significance of these beloved films.

Personal Life

Kim Congdon is married to actor Jeff Goldblum, a renowned figure in the entertainment industry. Their relationship and marriage have been a topic of interest and have a connection to "kim congdon age" in several key ways:

  • Age Difference: Congdon and Goldblum have a significant age difference, with Goldblum being older than Congdon. This age difference has been a subject of discussion in the media, which often highlights the non-traditional nature of their relationship.
  • Career Impact: As a married couple, Congdon and Goldblum have supported each other's careers. They have appeared together in films and public events, showcasing their mutual respect and admiration.
  • Public Perception: Their marriage has drawn attention from the public, who are fascinated by the dynamics of their relationship and the way they navigate the age difference. Their story challenges societal norms and provides a positive example of a successful marriage despite age disparities.
  • Personal Growth: Marriage can bring about personal growth and transformation. For Congdon, being in a relationship with Goldblum has likely contributed to her personal journey and influenced her perspectives on life and relationships.

Overall, the connection between "Personal Life: Married to actor Jeff Goldblum" and "kim congdon age" highlights the complex interplay between personal choices, societal expectations, and the impact of age on relationships. Congdon and Goldblum's marriage serves as a reminder that love and companionship can transcend age differences and inspire others to embrace their authentic selves.

Frequently Asked Questions about "kim congdon age"

This section addresses common questions and provides informative answers about "kim congdon age."

Question 1: What is Kim Congdon's age?

As of 2023, Kim Congdon is 73 years old. She was born on May 24, 1950.

Question 2: How does Kim Congdon's age affect her career?

As an actress, Kim Congdon's age has influenced the types of roles she has been cast in. In her younger years, she often played ingenues and romantic leads. As she has aged, she has transitioned to more mature roles, such as mothers, mentors, and character actors.

Question 3: What is Kim Congdon's zodiac sign?

Kim Congdon is a Gemini, as she was born on May 24th.

Question 4: What is Kim Congdon's birthstone?

Kim Congdon's birthstone is Emerald.

Question 5: What is Kim Congdon's Chinese Zodiac sign?

Kim Congdon's Chinese Zodiac sign is Tiger.

Question 6: What is Kim Congdon's life path number?

Kim Congdon's life path number is 9.

Summary: Kim Congdon's age is a significant aspect of her life and career, influencing the roles she plays, her personal experiences, and her public perception. Despite the stereotypes and biases that exist in the entertainment industry, she has embraced her age and continues to inspire and entertain audiences with her talent and versatility.

Transition to the next article section: Kim Congdon's impressive career and personal journey serve as a reminder that age is not a barrier to success or happiness. Her story encourages us to embrace our own journeys and to challenge societal expectations.

Tips Regarding "kim congdon age"

Understanding the significance of age, particularly as it pertains to "kim congdon age," can provide valuable insights and guidance. Here are five essential tips to consider:

Tip 1: Embrace Your Age

Age is a natural part of life and should be embraced rather than feared. Kim Congdon's journey serves as an inspiration, demonstrating that age does not diminish talent, experience, or the ability to make meaningful contributions.

Tip 2: Challenge Ageism

Ageism is a pervasive issue that can limit opportunities and perpetuate negative stereotypes. Challenge age-related biases by promoting inclusivity and recognizing the value of individuals regardless of their age.

Tip 3: Seek Age Diversity

Create environments that value age diversity, where individuals of all ages feel respected, included, and have the opportunity to contribute their unique perspectives and experiences.

Tip 4: Focus on Abilities, Not Age

When evaluating individuals, focus on their abilities, skills, and potential rather than their age. Age should not be a determining factor in opportunities or limitations.

Tip 5: Create Age-Friendly Environments

Design physical and social environments that are accessible and welcoming to individuals of all ages. This includes considering factors such as mobility, sensory needs, and social inclusion.

Summary: By embracing these tips, we can create a more equitable and inclusive society where age is valued and respected. Kim Congdon's story reminds us that age is not a barrier but rather an asset, bringing wisdom, experience, and the potential for continued growth.

Transition to the conclusion: Understanding the significance of "kim congdon age" extends beyond personal reflection; it calls for collective action to challenge ageism and foster a society that values individuals of all ages.


The exploration of "kim congdon age" has provided valuable insights into the multifaceted nature of age and its impact on an individual's life and career. Kim Congdon's journey serves as a reminder that age is not a limiting factor but rather a testament to experience, growth, and the enduring power of talent.

As we navigate an age-conscious society, it is imperative to challenge ageism and embrace the contributions of individuals of all ages. Kim Congdon's story inspires us to value the wisdom, experience, and unique perspectives that come with age. By fostering inclusive environments that recognize and celebrate age diversity, we can create a more equitable and fulfilling society for all.

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Kim Congdon Biography, Age, Husband, Family, Net Worth, Education & Wiki
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